Careers | Girl Scouts of Western Ohio

Make the world a better place.

four gswo staff members smiling together at a staff picnic
Why Girl Scouts?

You'll build a meaningful career, grow personally and professionally,and make a positive impact on your community.

headshot of aa female gswo staff memberheadshot of aa female gswo staff member
photo of a female gswo staff member standing outside of her homephoto of a female gswo staff member standing outside of her home
a female gswo staff member speaking at a volunteer appreciation eventa female gswo staff member speaking at a volunteer appreciation event
Community Development

a female gswo staff member smiling with a balloon animal on her heada female gswo staff member smiling with a balloon animal on her head
Customer Care

a camp staff member wearing sunglasses and a bandanna working on a project outdoorsa camp staff member wearing sunglasses and a bandanna working on a project outdoors
Summer Camp Staff

an adult supervising three young girls while they work on a science project
Your Next Career

Join the movement that began 111 years ago to unlock every girl’spotential, share your entrepreneurial spirit, and make a difference!