Partnering with Indiana Youth Institute, the Girl Coalition of Indiana disaggregated data of all Indiana youth to reveal a mix of truths linked explicitly to girls. Some data points showed encouraging trends, while other points revealed disheartening warning signs about the social and emotional health of girls in the state.
The 2023 debut report left readers wanting more — more data points, more facts, and more understanding about what intentional interventions could change the trajectory for the better. This year’s edition of the Indiana Girl Report dives even deeper, aggregating information from even more sources to bring state-wide consciousness to the issues impacting girls’ lives.
We grappled with many of the issues outlined in the report — but prioritized a few that reflect deep disparities AND have a tremendous impact on the lives of girls. We asked:
View the report to better understand these issues and to see our definitive call to action.
The Girl Coalition of Indiana is a statewide, girl-focused social innovation startup inspired by the six Girl Scout councils currently serving girls across Indiana.
Girl Co. seeks to enable every girl in Indiana to live her best life physically, academically, emotionally, and socially. By engaging in communities across Indiana, we will learn about the needs of girls while working to create innovative solutions that remove barriers for girls in Indiana, specifically those living in low-income communities. Lastly, Girl Co. will advocate for systemic change to provide accessible and equitable experiences for every girl, starting with conducting, sharing, and acting on annual research of the state of Indiana girls.